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Terms and conditions annual courses


Registering and conducting debateX courses

The groups will have a maximum number of 10 participants and will be formed in the order of registration, based on the principle of first come - first served, and the place is guaranteed when the participation fee is paid.

From the moment the courses start, other students can register up to the third session, inclusive. After the third session, enrolled students will be assigned to a group starting in the second semester, which starts in February.


Since debating is a team sport par excellence, we cannot form groups that do not meet the minimum number of 6 participants. In this case, we will fully refund the amounts paid as the participation fee.


Sessions from which students are absent (for any reason, including technical reasons unrelated to the organization of the course) cannot be recovered, and the amount related to the missed sessions is not refunded.

Minimum level of English - B2

Because all courses are conducted in English, a B2 level of fluency in English is required at the time of enrolment. Therefore, we are forced to refuse enrollment to those who do not meet the minimum B2 level, respectively to withdraw the right to participate to students who do not meet the minimum level required by the English language, B1-B2 (if the course starts and we find that the English level is not still appropriate). But this does not have to mean a "Good bye!" definitive. We can recommend to students who are in this situation (we have had very few over time) the courses of some of the foreign language schools that are our partners.


At debateX, we want every participant to have the best possible learning experience and provide the most inclusive learning environment possible. So, if you or your child have special learning needs or other needs that we need to take into account, please let us know at the enrollment stage.


Completion of debate courses


To graduate and be eligible to register for the next debate module, students must attend at least 10 of the 14 sessions of a given semester.


Participants will receive a graduation certificate at the end of a Study Year, respectively after completing two semesters of debates, whether they are followed consecutively or with a break of one semester.

At the end of a single debate module, at the express request of the learners, we can provide a certificate of completion.


Conditions of withdrawal from debateX courses

If you wish to withdraw from the debateX courses, you must notify us in writing at at least 7 working days before the date of termination of participation. Depending on the corresponding situation, the mentions below will apply.


  • If you wish to withdraw before the start of the course, we will fully refund the amount paid;

  • If you wish to withdraw after the start of the course, you can do so until session 3 by sending an email to In case of withdrawal before session 3, 80% of the paid amount will be refunded;

  • Withdrawal requests are no longer accepted after the third session of the semester and in such situations the amount paid will not be refunded.

  • After the start of the module, there can be no transfers from one group to another, except in exceptional situations, such as a change of school timetable. Any transfers will only be made if the experience in debates, the age category and the minimum and maximum number of participants for all the groups involved are respected.


Code of conduct

At debateX, we want to create an enjoyable and safe environment for all our participants, where they feel comfortable expressing their opinions, developing and supporting each other. Therefore, we want the participants to have a positive behavior during the courses and not to have negative behaviors such as:

  • the threats

  • harassment or humiliation

  • discrimination

  • using obscene words

  • messages that are rude or that can hurt colleagues or trainers

  • willful non-compliance or sabotage of course activities.


We also encourage participants to use technology responsibly and respect the privacy of their colleagues' data by avoiding practices such as screenshots or recordings during classes.

We will temporarily suspend or completely withdraw the right of participation of individuals in the case of serious violations of these rules of conduct




Students of debateX partner institutions can benefit from discounts on courses.
The "Partner institution" discount is 10% of the list price and is valid for one semester (the first semester with us).





Terms and conditions summer courses


Registering and running debateX summer courses and workshops


Debate Courses


Debate course groups will have a maximum number of 10 participants and will be formed in the order of registration, based on the first-come-first-served principle, and the place is guaranteed when the participation fee is paid.


The participation fee for the intensive debate module is worth EUR 320 if paid in two equal installments or in full.


From the moment the courses within a debate module start, other students can register up to the third session, inclusive. Students enrolled after the third session will be assigned to a group starting in the next course period.


Sessions from which students are absent (for any reason, including technical reasons unrelated to the organization of the course) cannot be recovered, and the amount related to the missed sessions is not refunded.


Summer workshops


Summer workshop groups will have a maximum number of 10 participants and will be formed in the order of registration, based on the principle of first come - first served, and the place is guaranteed at the time of payment of the participation fee.


The participation fee for the workshops will be paid in full at the time of registration, and its value will not be returned later. The amount of the participation fee for the workshops differs depending on their content and duration.


During the summer workshops, no more participants can register after the start date of a workshop. If that workshop is offered more than once and there are still free places in the same subsequent workshop, students will be offered another period.


Sessions from which students are absent (for any reason, including technical reasons unrelated to the organization of the course) cannot be recovered, and the amount related to the missed sessions is not refunded.


Minimum level of English - B2

Because all courses are conducted in English, a B2 level of fluency in English is required at the time of enrolment. Therefore, we are forced to refuse enrollment to those who do not meet the minimum B2 level, respectively to withdraw the right to participate to students who do not meet the minimum level required by the English language, B1-B2 (if the course starts and we find that the English level is not still appropriate). But this does not have to mean a "Good bye!" definitive. We can recommend to students who are in this situation (we have had very few over time) the courses of some of the foreign language schools that are our partners.

At debateX, we want every participant to have the best possible learning experience and provide the most inclusive learning environment possible. So, if you or your child have special learning needs or other needs that we need to take into account, please let us know at the enrollment stage.



Completion of debate courses

Pentru a absolvi È™i a fi eligibili pentru înscrierea la modulul următor de debate, cursanÈ›ii elevi trebuie să participe la cel puÈ›in 10 dintre cele 14 sesiuni ale unui modul derulate.


ParticipanÈ›ii vor primi un certificat de absolvire la finalul unui An de Studiu (2 module), respectiv după finalizarea a două semestre de debate, fie că acestea sunt urmate consecutiv, fie cu o pauză de un semestru. 

La finalul unui singur modul de debate, la cererea expresă a cursanților, putem oferi o adeverință de finalizare.


To graduate and be eligible to register for the next debate module, students must attend at least 10 of the 14 sessions of a given semester.


Participants will receive a graduation certificate at the end of a Study Year (2 semesters), respectively after completing two semesters of debates, whether they are followed consecutively or with a break of one semester.

At the end of a single debate module, at the express request of the learners, we can provide a certificate of completion.


Code of conduct

At debateX, we want to create an enjoyable and safe environment for all our participants, where they feel comfortable expressing their opinions, developing and supporting each other. Therefore, we want the participants to have a positive behavior during the courses and not to have negative behaviors such as:

  1. the threats

  2. harassment or humiliation

  3. discrimination

  4. using obscene words

  5. messages that are rude or that can hurt colleagues or trainers

  6. non-compliance or sabotage of course activities.


We also encourage participants to use technology responsibly and respect the privacy of their colleagues' data by avoiding practices such as screenshots or recordings during classes.

We will temporarily suspend or completely withdraw the right of participation of individuals in the case of serious violations of these rules of conduct.

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